Главная Дополнения Разное grim's assistant [E2 Drone]

grim's assistant [E2 Drone]

Hello there fine gentlemen!
Since some people seem to really like this ball thingie, here it is.. the:

### SVN / ever updating version ###
Hope you enjoy it! Have fun >:3

IMPORTANT (if you want more explosive powah!)
Here's an adv dupe file, it will spawn an empty e2 attached to an explosive, spawn your assistant inside of that empty chip and enjoy the explosive skills like "pbba PLAYER" "/revenge" "/torture PLAYER" "mbbas" and much more :D


this goes into the folder:

###############-- Assistant by Gr!MM^ --###############
# grim.rac@gmail.com

Version = "k11-511"

#Your assistant will inform you everytime a new version is avaliable!
#There's a changelog at the end of the code...

# and also some useless trivia:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Oh hai thar! So long story short, I wrote the first lines of this little toy
# back in July as I started learning about this magic script sauce called Expression2.
# At first as any moron I was worried about minges having it, so I wouldnt share
# it with anyone, not even allowing them to properly dupe it.
# It was a few months later, after a shitload of time being unable to play Garry's Mod
# due to the massive amount of work college provided me with, when I realized that I was being dumb
# and that this is all about fun and gummi bears, and so I decided to finally share this shitty toy with the world for fun's sake.
# Well people seemed to have lots of fun with it, so I kept sharing the code as development
# progressed. Noob coding I know, but hey I hope you have some fun with it :D
# ALSO THAT: The small percentage of the code I didnt write is credited in the Command List Below.
# AND THAT: Yes, 25% of the maxquota when every skill is off is a lot, but I cant seem to find a
# way to reduce it besides deleting like half of the code, if you find a better way to do this
# please report it to me, thx :D
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - Luck Wielding Lunatic (for being the best gaming pal of all tiemz :D)
# - NeO_Huperman (for hosting his amazing GMod Server)
# - Silicon (for his leet skills and will to help, also for hosting his MaximumTrolling-Sponge-compatible Server :D
# - Ghostrin, bestchallenger|PT|, Clicklord, Kamakazebanzai,
# OMEGA, BeafyBubbles, Donut, mr. bubbles, Beaver and Zatrac (for the inspiration and support)
# - All the E2 authors and Minges that contributed and inspired the concepts and features in this code

#### Updater ####
# /update - updates or redownloads The Assistant from the Web

#### Position ####
# /height NUMBER - changes Height to NUMBER (Default=120)
# /up | /down - +-10 Height
# /radius NUMBER - changes the orbit radius to NUMBER (Default=70)
# /ovelocity NUMBER - changes orbit velocity to NUMBER (Default=90)
# /master - follow OWNER
# /omaster or /nomaster - orbit OWNER
# /cross - follow CROSSHAIRS
# /ocross - orbit CROSSHAIRS
# /follow PLAYER - follow PLAYER
# /orbit PLAYER or /norbit PLAYER - orbit PLAYER
# /that - follow TARGET ENTITY
# /othat - orbit TARGET ENTITY
# /place - hover TARGET COORDINATES
# /oplace or /noplace - hover and orbit CROSSHAIRS COORDINATES
# /gosleep - makes the drone deactivates itself in a location

#### Skills ####
# /sd! - Self Destruction!!!
# bba - activates EXPLOSIVE OUTPUT
# /ppinfo - activates PropInfo (MouseKey2 on target to see the owner)
# /ppinfooff deactivates PropInfo
# !brl or !brls - spawns 1 or 10 barrels, respectively (needs 'wire_expression2_concmd 1')
# /fury PLAYER - follow PLAYER with FURY MODE (hurts PLAYER)
# /efury PLAYER - follow PLAYER with FURY MODE and repetitive explosions
# /torture PLAYER - uses both the Blind major skill, the /earrape and the /efury skills to torment PLAYER
# /tortureoff - deactivates Torture
# /earrape - activates the Ear Rape skill
# /earrapeoff - deactivates the Ear Rape skill
# /e2list - lists all the Expression2 chips in the server

#### Skills + Return ####
# (NOTE: 'say mbba' and 'say mbbas' should be binded to Keyboard Keys for easy access)
# pbba PLAYER - assassinates PLAYER with Explosives and returns (needs explosives wired to EXPLOSIVE OUTPUT)
# mbba - explodes in the CROSSHAIR LOCATION and returns
# mbbas - explodes in the CROSSHAIR LOCATION, spawning 10 flaming barrels and returns (needs a huge HP explosive, or else might kill the owner when returning) (needs 'wire_expression2_concmd 1')
# find PLAYER - finds PLAYER and returns
# findi PLAYER - finds PLAYER and returns invisible

#### Cammo ####
# /invisible - makes the Assistant invisible
# /visible - makes the Assistant visible
# /sneak - makes OWNER invisible
# /unsneak - makes OWNER visible
# /hide = /invisible + /sneak
# /unhide = /visible + /unsneak

#### Body ####
# /ghost - Activates GHOST Mode making the Assistant Non-Solid
# /unghost - Deactivates GHOST Mode
# /body reset - resets the body options (color, size...)
# /size NUMBER - changes the size to NUMBER
# /trailsize NUMBER - changes the trail size to NUMBER
# /body COLOR - changes the color preset
# COLOURs are: black, yellow, green, green2, blue, red, white and white2

#### Sounds ####
# /soundstop - stops the music player and the ambient sounds
# /ss_(owner, ent, weld, target) - changes the source of the sound (Default='/ss_owner')
# /music | /music NUMBER - activates or changes the music track (/music will pick a random track)
# /ambient | /ambient NUMBER - activates or changes the ambient track (/ambient will pick a random track)

#### Movement and General ####
# /on - turns ON the movement
# /off - turns OFF the movement
# /reset - turns ON the movement and restarts the position to default
# /skillsoff - turns OFF all the MAJOR SKILLS
# /reboot - reboots the chip, as if it just spawned
# /su PLAYER - changes user to PLAYER (/su reverts back to the original owner)

#### Major Skills ####

# (With this skill all the OWNER's props with the model Helicopter Bomb will spin above the player's head and attack the CROSSHAIRS when the CTRL key is pressed)
# (If a player was targeted by this skill, the props will stop attacking the CROSSHAIRS position to attack the targeted player)
# (Many thanks to 'EXO's Propsnake' for providing part of the code)
# /snkon - activates Snake
# /snkoff - deactivates Snake
# /snkreset - resets Snake
# /snk PLAYER - assigns PLAYER as Snake's target (will sometimes fail, try /snkoff first)
# /snks - activates Snake and spawns 10 HeliBombs (needs 'wire_expression2_concmd 1')

# (This skill allows the player to animate a Ragdoll to attack someone)
# (I gotta thank 'Bone Example: Zombie (by Shoffing)' from the GMod's Wiki for providing the base code)
# /necro PLAYER - assigns PLAYER as NECROMANCER's target and activates it
# /necroon - activates NECROMANCER
# /necrooff - deactivates NECROMANCER
# /necroset PLAYER - sets PLAYER as NECROMANCER'S target on that ragdoll with the ragdoll still inactive
# /necrochange PLAYER - sets PLAYER as the new NECROMANCER's target

# (A skill that allows the player to pick up a Prop and throw it around, use it as a boomerang and increase its mass for maximum throwing power)
# (Thanks to 'Roflc0pter's Snake E2' for the concept)
# (E key to select prop/grab prop/release prop || Mouse1 to throw || Mouse2 to recall selected prop/increase its mass)
# ('say !brl' should be binded to a Keyboard Key for easy explosive barrel spawn)
# /kinesis - activates PSYCHOKINESIS
# /kinesisoff - deactivates PSYCHOKINESIS
# /kinesisreset - resets PSYCHOKINESIS
# mmss - increases the selected prop's mass to MAX
# !haax - DR.HAAX sounds
# !haaxoff - deactivates DR.HAAX sounds

# (This skill will kill someone who kills you, with the Bomb Assassination SKill)
# (Props to 'Fairy by MURDATS' for the concept)
# /revenge - activates REVENGE MODE and avenges OWNER's last death last death
# /revengeon - activates REVENGE MODE without avenging the OWNER's last death
# /revengeoff - deactivates REVENGE MODE

# (This one allows you to make explosive barrels Aggregate in a spot)
# (All credit goes to EXO for his 'PropSplosion E2'. I just merged it with this drone because it was such a cool E2)
# (E key to make the barrels Aggregate in the CROSSHAIRS spot)
# (BROTIP: Spawn barrels in a distant location with the '!brls', activate the skill '/agg',
# press E on the Target Location, wait until the barrels start flying up, and then E again to make them rain)
# /agg - activates AGGREGATE
# /aggoff - deactivates AGGREGATE
# /aggp PLAYER - set AGGREGATE's Target to PLAYER

# (Covers the target's field of vision)
# /blind PLAYER - blinds PLAYER
# /unblind - deactivates the Blind Major Skill

# (Creates a holo HUD pointing the location of the selected players or E2 Chips)
# (Thx to Failcake's E2 Finder, for providing the brilliant concept & the color change by distance method, its pretty neat)
# (Red/Orange is for normal players and E2 Chips, Green for Steam Friends and Blue for admins)
# /locate PLAYER - activates and adds PLAYER to the Locate List
# /locate e2 /or/ friends - activates, lists and locates E2 Chips or Steam Friends
# /loca PLAYER - activates and locates PLAYER (and only PLAYER)
# /locateoff - resets the list and deactivates the LOCATE Major Skill

##NPC Army##
# (Allows the user to mobilize a group of NPCs to his will)
# (Press E to make the army go to a spot on the map near them)
# (They will attack anyone you attack)
# /army - activates the Army
# /armyoff - deactivates the Army
# /armyfollow - toggles the Follow mode
# /army WEAPON - gives WEAPON to the army (ex: /army pistol)
# /armyattack PLAYER - makes the Army target PLAYER

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Скачиваний: 624
Комментарий: 11

Max 25.08.2011 в 08:51 / МатериалСпам
обьясните пожалуста как им пользоваться
захожу на серв,если запускать через дупликатор то выдает ошибку
через Е2 все норм,но я не могу понять что дальше делать
gman skrundz 15.06.2011 в 13:00 / МатериалСпам
это не он(автор кто выложил) делал он просто не знал где скачать и скачал на америкканском сайте и выложил
можете помочь на команды не реагирует вообще
ipoh ipoh 16.05.2011 в 07:26 / МатериалСпам
это итак adv
у меня экспрешон 2 не работает,выложете кто нить на adv dublikatore
помоему эта хрень для E2
Да ты кэп
ДимОн 14.05.2011 в 10:44 / МатериалСпам
учи английский biggrin
чё это описание на английском не понятно
Да знаешь а оно на агл

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